- Labels: English Language
- Labels: English Language
- Labels: English Language, Exam Papers
- Labels: English Language
- Labels: Core Paper, English Language
- Labels: English Language
- Labels: Inspector Calls
- Labels: Mister Pip
- Labels: Mister Pip
- Labels: Relationships poetry
- Labels: Relationships poetry
- Labels: Relationships poetry
- Labels: Relationships poetry
- Labels: English Language
- Labels: Of Mice and Men
- Labels: Of Mice and Men
- Labels: Reading Challenge Section A
- Labels: Reading Challenge Section A
- Labels: Reading Challenge Section A
- Labels: Core Paper
- Labels: Reading Challenge Section A
- Labels: Mister Pip
- Labels: Mister Pip
- Labels: Of Mice and Men
- Labels: Reading Challenge Section A
- Labels: Relationships poetry
- Labels: Inspector Calls
Inspector Calls Song Version
- 18.March.undefined
Might be a little bit mad but if it works - anything goes!
- Labels: Inspector Calls
- Labels: Inspector Calls
- Labels: Of Mice and Men
- Labels: English Language
- Labels: English Language
- Labels: English Language
- Labels: Of Mice and Men
- Labels: Of Mice and Men
- Labels: Inspector Calls
- Labels: Of Mice and Men
- Labels: Inspector Calls
- Labels: Inspector Calls
- Labels: Literature Exam, Relationships poetry
- Labels: Advice
- Labels: Inspector Calls
- Labels: Of Mice and Men
- Labels: Paper 1
- Labels: Poetry
- Labels: Poetry
- Labels: Poetry
- Labels: Poetry
- Labels: Poetry
Of Mice and Men Example Answer
- 9.May.undefined
This answer achieved FULL MARKS in the exam!! Amazing!
- Labels: Of Mice and Men
Inspector Calls Example answer!
- 9.May.undefined
This example answer received FULL MARKS in the exam!!
- Labels: Inspector Calls
Video on Structure in 'Inspector Calls'
- 7.May.undefined
A video looking at the structure in 'An Inspector Calls' (thank you Porchester school!!)
- Labels: Inspector Calls
- Labels: Of Mice and Men
- Labels: Of Mice and Men
- Labels: Of Mice and Men
- Labels: Of Mice and Men
Punctuation! How to use correctly......
- 7.May.undefined
Improving your Punctuation This Powerpoint will help remind you about the range of punctuation you should be using in your Paper 1 re-take. Remember, there are marks for spelling, punctuation and grammar in these sections, and using more adventurous punctuation will improve your grade.
View more PowerPoint from sparkly
- Labels: Paper 1
Coping with Exam Stress
- 7.May.undefined
AKA – The bit where I sound like your mum…
Year 11:Let’s not kid anyone – you’re Year 11 and there’s a constant balancing act between your social life and your work. That’s ok. You need to see your friends and have a life, BUT… you also need to make proper time to work. That means limiting your social life at key times during the year and planning your time carefully the rest of the year. You should expect to be working for a couple of hours a night; that means that if you have no specific homework you should be revising – without being told to. Remember, on results day you’ll look yourself in the mirror and say “I deserve those results”. Whether you have a smile on your face when you say it is up to you.
The exam period:You’ll probably find that you’ll get stressed over the exam period, which is understandable (and a certain amount of stress is a good thing at times). You need to make sure that you take care of yourself over the exam period to make the most of your brain and revision. Here are our top tips for surviving the exam period: Get enough sleep for several days before the exam. This means a reasonable bed time all through the exam period. If you are tired you will not perform properly. Eat a balanced diet with plenty of fruit and veg. If your body and brain have all the fuel and vitamins they need you will not get ill and you will feel less tired. On the day of the exam, eat breakfast. You may not feel like it, but put some fuel in your body or your brain will not work at its best. There’s also nothing worse than hearing your stomach rumble in a silent exam hall! Drink enough water. Being properly hydrated improves your brain function. Finally, remember that this is temporary. After a month your exams will be over and you will have the longest holiday of your life to look forward to. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!
- Labels: Advice
- Labels: Inspector Calls
- Labels: Of Mice and Men
- Labels: Paper 1
- Labels: Of Mice and Men
- Labels: Of Mice and Men
- Labels: Exam Papers
- Labels: Literature Exam, Poetry
- Labels: Literature Exam, Poetry
- Labels: Literature Exam, Poetry
- Labels: Literature Exam, Poetry
- Labels: Literature Exam, Unseen Poetry